04 November, 2008

It hath beenth a while-ith.

Well, it's been just shy of a month since I posted. I have gotten behind on posting to the DruiD Tablet and SkullFudge ( I owe them SEVERAL articles about the history of Unix and why BSD rules).

Well, a lot has come up since my last posting.
First and most importantly, I am going to be a dad, mid-May!

Secondly, since Talladega, not much else new has come to light, besides my pending fatherhood, although I was able to go to the Atlanta race on October 26, 2008. It was great because I have now seen a Carl Edwards backflip live! Now I just have a Biffle and McMurray win to see live and I will be satisfied. The coolest thing about the race was it was the first race for my oldest two nephews. Althought it might have still been a little much for them, I don't think they were quite ready for the heat and noise.

Lastly, I just voted. YAY!

.::. DruiD628 .::.

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