19 October, 2009


Ok, so here's the thing.
I have not done the best when it comes to updating the DruiD Tablet.
And if you have been following www.druid628.com you probably have learned that druid628.com has moved to a new hosting location which allows me much better control over not just the website but all things druid628.com.

I have a few plans that I would like to do down the road but those depend on server space and bandwidth limitations, including being a freebsd and apache mirror.

Anyway back to the point, I have plans to shortly move the druid tablet to tablet.druid628.com using some opensource blogging software. I hope to start updating my blogs more frequently that is my goal. For any1 out there who might still be following druid628.blogspot.com please check back because I do intend to start updating you people more often of what's going on with me and I will keep you updated on my blog transfer.

.::. DruiD628 .::.


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